The state DOT said this week it will post road weight limits for vehicles on roads as the weather gets warmer. "The impact on roads during freeze/thaw cycle can be severe. "It's been a real advantage during the winter, particularly on Blackwater, which has some pretty substantial potholes," Bobinsky said. Last fall, the city did repairs to long stretches of Rocky Hill and Blackwater roads, which Bobinsky believes will lead to less frost heaving. Preventative maintenance is key, said Somersworth Director of Public Works Mike Bobinsky.
Bumpy road sign full#
While cracks could remain on the roads, the roads themselves are deemed much less hazardous than when the frost heave was in full effect. "We don't have the resources to address all of the thousands of miles of road in the state."īoynton did note, however, that some frost heaves "heal themselves" when temperatures get above freezing to stay, causing road bumps to flatten out on their own. "People get frustrated because they wonder why we can't fix it," Boynton said. By some accounts, there are more than 17,000 miles of roads in the state. Boynton said road repairs generally cost, at minimum, $1 million per mile. To permanently repair a road damaged by a frost heave requires a crew to reconstruct the road and make sure the foundation underneath it drains properly. You have to wait until it settles back into place." Frost heaves are about the structure of the road – you can't just send a crew out. "The roads are not all the same foundations. "Our infrastructure is centuries old, built over horse roads and cart paths," Boynton said. To fix a pothole, at least temporarily, workers extract the water from the hole, fill the hole with gravel (a process called a “cold patch”) and tamp it down.įrost heaves, however, are not as easily fixed, since they affect the entire structure of the road as opposed to one small part.