Maine signpost
Maine signpost

Whatever the precise mechanism, these observations suggested bucks had some type of bio-stimulating effect on does (which could have been caused by pheromones) that induced ovulation earlier than normal. For example, when my colleagues and I confined bucks and does together during autumn, mean breeding dates were eight to nine days earlier than normal. My own scientific studies support Miller’s hypothesis. He suggests primer pheromones deposited by dominant bucks at rubs (and scrapes) help synchronize reproductive cycles, bring adult does into estrus early, and suppress the aggressiveness and sex drive of young bucks.

maine signpost

Miller proposes such signposting by dominant bucks plays a vital role in maintaining social harmony in whitetail populations. Preferred species differ by region, depending on what’s available. However, scientific literature indicates bucks prefer to rub small-diameter, smooth-barked trees and shrubs. Rubs’ Social RoleĪccording to noted deer researcher Karl Miller, pheromones found on rubs might include “releaser pheromones, which evoke an immediate behavioral response priming pheromones, which result in a physiological response and informer pheromones, which relay information, but generally do not result in a behavioral or physiological response.” A mature buck in rut, deprived of favorable tree stems for rubbing, will rub just about any type and size of tree - even fence posts and utility poles. Because rubbing is done primarily with the antler base and forehead, each rub carries the maker’s identifying odor. Bucks and does have these glands, but mature, socially high-ranking bucks tend to excrete more from them.

maine signpost


Investigations conducted by Thomas Atkeson and Larry Marchinton revealed whitetails possess specialized forehead skin glands that become especially active during autumn.

maine signpost

Dominant bucks sometimes make signposts in the presence of other deer, especially before contesting dominance or after emerging as the victor in an aggressive encounter. Bucks might even grunt while making rubs, thereby attracting the attention of other deer. They are showy and are anointed with various glandular secretions. Buck rubs are visual and olfactory (chemical) signals.

Maine signpost